My Journey

My health and wellness journey began after a horseback riding accident and near-death experience in 2007; I broke my neck when my C5 vertebra shattered. A spinal cord trauma and nerve damage in both arms meant I could not use my arms and hands for months.

Pain was the major component of my injury, but I also had to learn to manage the fear and anxiety of not knowing my furture. It became an all consuming worry!

Any health journey of this magnitude takes the collaboration of dedicated professionals, and I am grateful for everyone that was a part of my healing. Quickly I realized that management and education of my needs was going to be the most effective way of moving forward.

One of the most impactful tools that I learned early on was from a memory I had in Tibet three months before my accident. While watching pilgrims prostrate on their way to the temple in Llhasa, I witnessed meditation as a tool for pain, and when I saw it on the pain management sheet at Mayo Clinic, I knew I had to try it.

Incorporating singular focus to manage my sympathetic nervous system brought me enough relief to slowly regain my autonomy that I lost at the accident. Taking back the accountability of my health brought resiliency, courage, and trust in my abilities to heal and thrive again.

This success allowed me to return to my life in development and excel, but every time someone asked me, “how did you do it?” I knew that it was something I needed to share with others. This experience was the hardest thing I have ever done, but if I could pay it forward and lessen those feelings of fear for others, it would be worth it. In 2017 I pivoted to focus my career and training on health and wellness.

I’m glad you stopped by to visit my website. Look around and contact me for a free chat to see if I can help you with your healing journey. I am looking forward to speaking with you!

Sharing experience and hope,
